Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Close Viewing AS :1.11

We are now going to be working on the assessment Close Viewing AS: 1.11. We will be using the short film '8'  directed by Acim Vasic. We will begin the viewing work and class discussion in week 7. By this time we will have completed all of the practice work on the New Zealand short film 'Tama Tu'.  The work that you have done on this film, identifying the film techniques that the director uses to convey his purpose to the audience and the structured written response will help you to apply the same learning to the new film. Your writing from 'Tama Tu' will be used as a good piece for the writing part of your portfolio. This should be  your 3rd and final piece. 

If you still have unfinished work from your reading portfolio, and work not completed for your writing you will need to attend the tutorials that are on offer in R12 at lunchtime on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. Please talk to me if you are confused or unsure of what you need to do, I am more than happy to work with you to make sure all outstanding work is completed.

All of the work for the short film, '8' is in the Hapara workspace under the close viewing section.

Close Viewing AS: 1.11

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Welcome back to Term 2.

Welcome back to Term 2. I hope you have all had a restful and relaxing break and are ready to work hard as we get stuck into Unfamiliar text work and also begin our work towards the AS: 1.11 Understanding of Visual Texts. To achieve this standard you will be required to present a detailed response to a visual text which has not been specifically discussed or studied in class.  We will work together to build our skills and understanding of visual and oral features through describing, and explaining their significance in the short film, Tama Tu. This will be our practice task, and you will have the opportunity to discuss, receive feedback  and complete a draft assessment.

We are going to start week 1 of  Term 2 completing the unfamiliar text work and responding to the poem, 'Micky the fox terrier at the zoo' by Anna Jackson.  This work is all in our Hapara workspace in the Unfamiliar text section. I have added in a model of an example answer. We will work together in class with a paper copy of the poem and revise our annotation skills. You also have access to a digital copy of the poem in the workspace.

Reading Portfolio work must now be completed in your own time, and I urge you to attend the weekly lunchtime tutorials in R12 on Monday and Thursday to help you complete this work to the required standard.

Hapara Workspace link HERE

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Unfamiliar Text: A Poem. 'Micky the Fox Terrier at the Zoo'.

On Wednesday in class we will begin our work on developing our understanding and responding skills to unfamiliar text. This will continue throughout the year and will give us all lots of time to develop these skills in preparation for the external exam at the end of the year in T4.
Today we are going to look at a poem, and the different strategies we can use to help us make sense of this poem.
I have added this to our workspace Y11 English.

The reading part of the literacy portfolio is now due in. There will be no more class time allocated to that work. Check where you are up to in the progress charts, and well done to you who have completed this. Hard work and commitment pays off.
For those of you who have not finished this work, you are expected to work on these tasks for regular homework and attend the tutorials that are on offer in R12 on Thursday lunchtimes to help you to achieve this.  Other days maybe negotiated with me.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Reading Portfolio: US: 26624

On Monday the 26 March we will go over and clarify the expectations and due dates for the completion of the reading part of your literacy portfolio. This is Unit Standard 26624, Read texts with understanding. (3 credits.) I have also streamlined our Hapara workspace, and have included  all the texts we are currently working with. These include;' Beware the Savage Beast', Flora Thirkettle, 'Cowboys' fought Nazis and prejudice, and an alternative text, Alone, Injured, Almost Dead: A Survival Story.

Remember that tutorials run in R12 on Wednesday and Thursday  lunchtimes to help you complete your work to the required standard. Friday is also available for assistance after discussion with me.
You would benefit from allocating 20 minutes a night for homework and following up on feedback given. This would also help you to achieve your reading before the end of Term 1.

Click on the following link to access the Hapara Workspace.
Reading Portfolio

Monday, March 5, 2018

Flora Thirkettle. Kaipara Harbour, Northland

We are now well underway with responding to our 2nd text for the reading part of our literacy portfolio.  This is a very interesting story of one women's struggle to survive and raise her young family in times of great personal hardship. She is an inspiration.
It has been great to see students take advantage of the tutorials that are on offer, and it has been awesome to speak to families and whanau and hear how they want you to be successful in your learning.
Remember that a English tutorial runs on Thursday lunchtime in R12, bring your lunch and come and get the support you need to complete this response.
I am available to work with you other times if this day does not work for you, all you need to do is let me know.

All of the work for the second text in in your Hapara workspace and the link can be found HERE

Below are the comments from some of the students about week 5 in English,

Joseph Stanton- In English I am really enjoying the tutorials available and the amount of support Miss Donovan gives us.

Phaze Dry- English is hands down my favourite subject at the moment because the tasks we are given are well demonstrated and we get plenty of time to complete them with great help from Miss Donovan. I was surprised how helpful Tutorials are, you can get your work to the best it can be just by doing a little extra in your own time

Samuel Selcraig- In English the tutorials at lunch time have been a big help to get me through the first story 'Beware the Savage Beast'. That extra effort to get to get your work done is worth it.

Students of Greymouth High School

Friday, February 16, 2018

Re: English

Student Post
Reflecting on our first full week of English.

With the start of NCEA there is a lot of pressure on the Year Elevens. The tasks we've been doing is helping us with easing our way into our English NCEA L1 work. Some of the tasks that helped us was the 'Beware the Savage Beast" article and the 'Big Question' task which helped us with understanding and identifying language features. We also reflected on our personal work. It's been a good start to the year and if it continues like this the class is certain to achieve great things by the end of it.

Student of Greymouth High School

Monday, February 12, 2018

Developing a structured answer to a set question.

On Monday P4, we will be looking at how to structure an answer when responding to text. We will read and discuss the model presented, and identify the two parts to the set question. We will be  able to describe how the structure contains the main statement and supporting evidence that makes an  effective answer.
You will then look at the work you have done for the same question and use the model structure to help you further develop your answer, using the model to help you.

LI: We are learning to use a set structure in answering a response to text question.
SC: I can develop an opening statement that addresses the first part of the question asked.
SC: I can develop this statement further using supporting evidence and my own opinion.
SC: I can explain the effect intended by the author.
SC: I can proof read and edit my final answer.

All of this work can be found in your Hapara Workspace HERE

Close Viewing AS :1.11

We are now going to be working on the assessment Close Viewing AS: 1.11. We will be using the short film '8'  directed by Acim Vasic...