Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Survival Stories

On Thursday 8 February's P1  lesson, you will search the internet and select a survival story. You will need to read it and post the link to our class Padlet, which is in the Hapara workspace. You will write a brief response for your own selected story, and I have provided  a model  on the Padlet for you to use as a guide for your own response.

We will then look at another model answer for our article, 'Beware the Savage Beast'. This will help you to develop the skills in writing a structured response to a set question.

LI: We are learning to write a thoughtful answer to a set question about a piece of text.

SC: I can identify the two parts of a set question.
SC: I can use the model to help me structure my own response.
SC: I can incorporate into my example specific evidence from the text to support my own opinion.

Click on this link HERE to take you to the Hapara workspace for this lesson.

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Close Viewing AS :1.11

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